Jaime Rose Chambers (B.Nutr&Diet) is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist. With a lifelong passion for food and cooking, when it came to choosing her vocational path as chef or Doctor, Jaime decided to combine the two. Now as a Dietitian, Jaime treats her patient’s medical
conditions with nutrition and lifestyle.
Jaime co-authored The Mystery Gut book with colleagues Dr. Claudia Lee and Prof. Kerryn Phelps. Her first solo book, 16:8 Intermittent Fasting was published in January 2019, and followed with a second edition to that book The 16:8 Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle Plan released in 2021.
Jaime Rose’s new book ‘The Peri Diet’ - ‘Eating for a happy and healthy perimenopause - and beyond’ due to release in August 2024.